Saturday, 5 September 2015

What is virtual reality and what should it be?

Virtual reality is a topic that has been up for discussion since computers existed, most would argue that virtual reality or VR means to be in a computerized world, a computerized plane of existence, others would argue that VR is being immersed in a game or movie. The possibilities for VR are seemingly endless and go far beyond the uses for only games and movies, it has been proven to be useful in many ways, one most notably, a way of allowing a blind person to see again using a VR headset, a lot of people would say that this is what VR should primarily be used for, there are many sides the VR argument and what it’s future should truly be. Right now at the head of the VR would and what its future is going to be more and more is in the video game industry.

The idea of VR has been around for decades now and in this day and age is being showed that it is most definitely possible and can be made and even though it is in its early stages, has been made. There are flaws in today’s VR though, even though you wear it over your eyes and control it with your hands VR can still be difficult to become immersed in, it has been shown that to be completely immersed in say a game, all it really takes is a good story, beautiful world and characters you connect with and seem to have something in common, usually a common goal. Examples of this come in many forms of games, in particular RPG’s with their vast world and ways to interact with it, countless characters you may come across and the ability to shape and create your character the way you want. One other example is horror games, more notably their ability to immures you in the game with things as simple as sound and visuals, they usually create a massive sense of terror, being alone and helplessness, this is usually achieved not with VR but simply a headset and a screen in front of you is all that seems to be needed. As well as an interest in what game you’re playing whether it be a slash and hack medieval RPG attempting to save the fair princess from evil, or surviving in a zombie world filled with death around every corner and you need to find just one more can of food to eat in order for your character to survive. Immersion in games today depend of the games just as much as the player and their preferences, and so far playing on a screen with a story the sucks you right in seems to be all that’s needed and could may just be what VR already is. 
At this time VR is a screen that fits over your head and in front of your eyes, as well as either a controller or mouse and keyboard, the games that go with this aren’t exactly the best unfortunately, what should be the ultimate tool for immersion seems to just be a screen right in your face and some badly made games with little to no story. And on top of that the structure of the game and using of a mouse and keyboard take you out of the immersion as well, VR or at least the games for VR still have a very long way to go when it comes to immersing you in a game. In this moment of time, VR can only invoke the feelings of auditory and visual sensations. To have the full effect of VR, you’d have to have all senses present, sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. With technology growing day by day the possibilities of VR is endless. Could future gaming have a way to trick the human mind into having all senses fully activated? Giving the user and complete experience of “being there”. As games will soon to be able to have more richness and vividness, it will allow the user to have much more of a “presence”. Presence being a realism feeling coming from a computer generated environment. 

One other side of the VR argument is that VR should be and defined as a different plane of existence and not something the simply sits over your head, that VR is going to be a separate world or separate “reality” one in a computer that when you’re in makes you feel as if you’re in the real world. You can feel a breeze on your face water splashing on you or even pain, if you say stub your toe while in this different plane of existence. Unfortunately for people who hope for this and believe that it is the future of VR, it is very far away, and isn’t very close to becoming reality. Though there are some forms of VR that have been able to simulate the feelings you would feel in the real world because this virtual reality is in the real world but is overlooked due to what is used for at this time and because it isn’t what the world thinks it should be. This form of VR is mainly used in theme parks and comes in the form of a moving machine with a massive screen in front of you. Say the screen was showing a point of view shot of being on a ship, the machine that you’re sitting in will gently rock with the crashing of the waves. The smell of sea water filling the room would arouse the sense of smell, at that same moment, lightly sprinkled rain drops trickling down your face giving you the sense of touch. You taste the saltiness from the sea water on your lips. All this will simulated all feelings of reality. It is at that moment you would feel as if you really were a pirate sailing the seven seas.

All and all the Virtual reality argument is one that seems to have no end at this point and no limit to different sides of the argument. What is certain is that VR whatever form it will come in is going to happen, what shape or form of reality it comes in is coming, and so far it looks to be rather promising whether it be a head set form of VR, that of course after some more time will have far better games that you will be able to fully immerse yourself in, or if it comes in form of a completely separate world that you plug yourself into and somewhat seems and feels a bit like the real world. Only time will tell and we rather far off from knowing exactly what VR will be, all we have to do now is wait.

-Lloyd Clasby

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